
Communists have a habit of creating front organizations…. they use different names and obscure causes. But their aim is to destroy humanity and you! Read and learn what you really follow!
The great humanist Marx writes; “torture is productive, it leads to ingenious inventions.”
“Soon I shall embrace eternity to my beast, and soon I shall howl gigantic curses on mankind.’’ Marx
What does this have to do with the struggle for a better society?
Che Guevara the modern youth hero states: “ Hate is an element of fight, pitiless hate that makes him become an efficient, destructive, calculating, cold killing machine”
We wear his image on our bodies!
“In this revolution we will have to awaken the Devil in people, to stir up the basest passions. Our mission is to destroy, not to edify. “-Bakunin, Marx’s friend and follower.
A communist newspaper says- “We do not fight against believers.. We fight against God to snatch believers from Him”
Aren’t we taught that Communists were atheists?
Marx was a worshiper of Satan so was Lenin and all the major communists that we are taught to admire in our schools. How easy it was for them to kill millions of the innocent artists, workers, and families- people just like you!
When the Communists came to power in Russia, they had no wide support of workers and peasants who soon were forced to give up their property to the government. Those who disobeyed were exterminated without trial or sent to exile. The Communists, not Hitler, invented the concentration camp. More than 30 million people were killed during the first 40 years of the Communist regime for ideological and political disagreement.
Are our teachers foolish, or do they know this? And perhaps in your youthful romanticism, are you their new victims?
The American socialist Jerry Rubin, said, “we’ve (who are we?) Combine youth, music, sex, drugs, and rebellion with treason- that’s a hard combo to beat.”
Marx who posed as a fighter for the proletariat (working class) called this class of people “ stupid boys, rogues, Asses.” Marx identified black people with “idiots” and constantly used the offensive term “nigger” in his correspondence.
If Communists claim to be atheists then how does one explain their outright hatred for any kind of religion? What kind of a liberation movement is it that destroys thousands of churches and executes priests publicly and makes a mockery of other people’s belief by shooting at the Crucifix?
The following sayings of Marx do not sound particularly atheistic:
“Thy breath, O Satan, my verses inspires,
When from my bosom the gods I defy.” Marx
“I shall smash to pieces with my enduring curses,
Words I teach all mixed up into a devilish muddle. “ Marx
Friends, everything in this paper is substantiated and drawn from the writing of Marx himself and his allies.
The purpose of this paper is not to convert you to anything by using Marx’s allegiance to Satanism. It is simply to prove that what you believe and are taught about Marxism and Communism is an outright lie.
Just because you think they fought against injustice, (which they did NOT), does not mean that you are allies.
Just because it sounds rebellious does not make it right.
Find your own way of rebelling against injustice, a way that would not involve hatred and murder of millions.
Marxism is the most deceptive and murderous system of thought.
Its romantic appeal is for indoctrinated fools.
Do not be used by the hypocritical teachers and deceptive and antiquated hippie professors of hatred.
Che Guevara the modern youth hero states: “ Hate is an element of fight, pitiless hate that makes him become an efficient, destructive, calculating, cold killing machine”
We wear his image on our bodies!
“In this revolution we will have to awaken the Devil in people, to stir up the basest passions. Our mission is to destroy, not to edify. “-Bakunin, Marx’s friend and follower.
A communist newspaper says- “We do not fight against believers.. We fight against God to snatch believers from Him”
Aren’t we taught that Communists were atheists?
Marx was a worshiper of Satan so was Lenin and all the major communists that we are taught to admire in our schools. How easy it was for them to kill millions of the innocent artists, workers, and families- people just like you!
When the Communists came to power in Russia, they had no wide support of workers and peasants who soon were forced to give up their property to the government. Those who disobeyed were exterminated without trial or sent to exile. The Communists, not Hitler, invented the concentration camp. More than 30 million people were killed during the first 40 years of the Communist regime for ideological and political disagreement.
Are our teachers foolish, or do they know this? And perhaps in your youthful romanticism, are you their new victims?
The American socialist Jerry Rubin, said, “we’ve (who are we?) Combine youth, music, sex, drugs, and rebellion with treason- that’s a hard combo to beat.”
Marx who posed as a fighter for the proletariat (working class) called this class of people “ stupid boys, rogues, Asses.” Marx identified black people with “idiots” and constantly used the offensive term “nigger” in his correspondence.
If Communists claim to be atheists then how does one explain their outright hatred for any kind of religion? What kind of a liberation movement is it that destroys thousands of churches and executes priests publicly and makes a mockery of other people’s belief by shooting at the Crucifix?
The following sayings of Marx do not sound particularly atheistic:
“Thy breath, O Satan, my verses inspires,
When from my bosom the gods I defy.” Marx
“I shall smash to pieces with my enduring curses,
Words I teach all mixed up into a devilish muddle. “ Marx
Friends, everything in this paper is substantiated and drawn from the writing of Marx himself and his allies.
The purpose of this paper is not to convert you to anything by using Marx’s allegiance to Satanism. It is simply to prove that what you believe and are taught about Marxism and Communism is an outright lie.
Just because you think they fought against injustice, (which they did NOT), does not mean that you are allies.
Just because it sounds rebellious does not make it right.
Find your own way of rebelling against injustice, a way that would not involve hatred and murder of millions.
Marxism is the most deceptive and murderous system of thought.
Its romantic appeal is for indoctrinated fools.
Do not be used by the hypocritical teachers and deceptive and antiquated hippie professors of hatred.
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